The Doing Vs. Being Trap
Most people want to be something.
They want to be entrepreneurs, thought leaders, creators, innovators. They collect the titles like badges, imagining how they'll look on their Twitter bio.
But wanting to be is the smallest part of becoming.
The real work - the work that matters - is in the doing. It's in showing up when the office isn't Instagram-worthy and the metrics aren't soaring. It's in tackling the unglamorous task list that never seems to end.
Want to start a business? Stop dreaming about being a founder. Start obsessing about solving a problem that keeps you up at night.
Want to create? Stop fantasizing about being an artist. Start making art that only you can make.
The doing is where the magic happens. The doing is where you discover if you actually love the work or just the idea of it.
And here's the trick: When you fall in love with the doing, the being takes care of itself.
But it never works the other way around.