Just Show Up.
You can control exactly one thing: that you show up. Every day. That’s about it. Showing up isn’t a silver bullet. It’s not an easy win. It’s not a lifehack. It’s not a shortcut. But it’s the only way to build anything. The truth
You can control exactly one thing: that you show up. Every day. That’s about it. Showing up isn’t a silver bullet. It’s not an easy win. It’s not a lifehack. It’s not a shortcut. But it’s the only way to build anything. The truth
It’s a typical Monday morning. You wake up, reach for your phone, and within seconds, you’re scrolling through an endless stream of updates. Your college roommate has a new puppy. Your aunt’s dog just died. Your coworker made homemade sourdough bread. Your second cousin just broke up
Technical debt occurs when software development relies on quick-fix solutions or outdated code to keep systems running smoothly. These temporary patches often serve immediate needs, but over time, they accumulate, slowing down performance and complicating future changes. Collectively, we’re facing a similar crisis: a buildup of Cultural Technical Debt
Every tech visionary wants to be Galileo, you notice that? They want to be that lone genius standing up to the forces of ignorance, “questioning dogma” in the name of Science. They imagine themselves staring down the Catholic Church, the mob with their pitchforks, all because they’re too brave,
Probabilities are the skeleton key for every decision worth sweating over, from medicine to finance, guiding “experts” as they stumble through outcomes and uncertainties like drunks in a minefield. For centuries, the frequentist cult has ruled, insisting probability is nothing more than the long-term frequency of an event, like a
It’s hard to shake the feeling that we’ve entered an era where we can no longer govern ourselves without some kind of technological babysitter. This isn’t the age-old pessimism about human nature, and it’s not an uncritical embrace of “technology will save us” optimistic fuckery. It’
Ever notice how quickly some people slap the “difficult” label on anyone who dares to ask a few inconvenient questions? The moment you challenge the status quo, suddenly you’re branded as “hard to work with” or “too much trouble.” Society has a funny way of rewarding obedience. The rewards
I think about my life in terms of transactions—not because I want to maximize gains, but because I want to minimize waste. The waste of throwing away my time and energy on things that don’t matter, instead of giving them generously to the people and ideas that do.
Why are progressive creators barely scraping by while right-wing media has the cash to dominate? The answer: algorithms, billionaire backers, and a system that’s anything but fair. Here’s why it’s time for real support. In the wake of the US election, it’s time to confront an
Think Republicans rigged the election against Kamala Harris? The truth is far messier—and more painful—than any conspiracy theory. Here’s why her loss isn’t part of some grand scheme, it's the ugly reality of American politics. Let’s not fuck around. The idea that Republicans
Once the “Fourth Estate,” now the sideline observer. When did journalism start treating democracy’s meltdown as casual news? It’s time to ask: where’s the outrage? When did journalism become the noble art of tiptoeing around democracy’s flaming wreckage, like it’s just the charred remains of
Perverse Incentives are Poisoning the Well Think creator payouts are lifting up talent? Think again. Social media’s reward systems are driving creators into a race for views, churning out content at all costs. Here’s how it’s breaking the creator economy. Perverse incentives are the hidden traps lurking