Bond. Amazon Prime Bond.

A Philosophy of Happiness Through the Uncurated Life In 1953, Ernest Dichter—the father of motivational research—wrote that the American consumer was no longer purchasing soap to clean themselves, but to feel clean. Advertising wasn’t selling products. It was selling identity. A bar of soap promised not just
Let me tell you about my smartphone. Not the one I have now - the one I had in 2015. It took decent photos, browsed the web reasonably well, and let me text my friends. When it eventually died, I replaced it with a newer model that... took slightly better
The billionaire with the bunker in New Zealand isn't actually preparing for the apocalypse. Not really. He's telling us a story. It's a story about scarcity and exclusivity, about knowing something others don't, about having options when others won't. The
The least fun fact you're likely to read today: IBM helped the Nazis. Through its German subsidiary Dehomag, "Big Blue" custom-engineered Hollerith punch card machines specifically designed to meet the Third Reich's requirements for tracking, sorting, and processing human beings. These were specialized systems